On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 03:13:43PM +0000, David Holland wrote:
 >  > libsa is just made of many libc-like functions. getl and
 >  > bounded_gets are not close to anything in userland. gets_s is, even
 >  > though it is in annex K.
 > It's more important not to let anyone take away the false impression
 > that we're supporting annex K. Otherwise that could be a significant
 > impediment to getting it removed.
 > Anyway I'm not sure why you're so strenuously objecting to changing
 > the name; it's like you think we're criticizing you or something
 > rather than just polishing... :-/
 > I'm going to change it to gets2() unless anyone else has better ideas
 > soon.

Core decided we like the name kgets() better, but this is done. I've
also purged all uses of gets from bootloaders in favor of kgets,
except for one in x86k that needs platform knowledge. That's being
tracked in PR 51200.

If doing this causes anything to stop fitting in size constraints or
otherwise creates problems, speak up.

David A. Holland

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