Date:        Mon, 30 Mar 2020 14:25:01 -0400
    From:        Christos Zoulas <>
    Message-ID:  <>

  | All the tests are failing for you the same way:
  | rump.route: SO_RERROR: Socket operation on non-socket
  |  <>I doubt that my gif change affected that. This smells to me like the =
  | rump fd hijack is not
  | working either because we have some new system call involved or =
  | something is messing
  | up the file descriptors.

If something has decided to move an fd out of the low number space
(not all that high necessarily) then rumphijack will confuse the fd
from user space with one of its own (it isn't very smart about that,
and bases the decision entirely upon the value of the fd it sees).

I wonder if something changte to try and be "nice" to other programs
by moving a "background" fd out of the 0..50 type space usually used by
user fd's and somewhere up > 100 ?     (the fd space really runs up to the
thousands, but nothing we run ATF/Rump tests against ever needs more than
a small number of fd's, so they never naturally get out of the low number


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