> On Apr 4, 2020, at 9:37 AM, Andreas Gustafsson <g...@gson.org> wrote:
> Martin Husemann wrote:
>> I analyzed this particular one (202 steps back because rump.netstat dumps
>> core) - will fix it soon.
> With martin's changes, the number of unexpected test failures
> went down from 413 to 6 on my bare metal testbed:
> http://www.gson.org/netbsd/bugs/build/amd64-baremetal/commits-2020.04.html#2020.
> The remaining 6 or so failures are unrelated.  Thanks to everyone who
> helped get this fixed.
> Does anyone have an idea why the tests didn't start failing
> immediately when route.c 1.167 was committed, but only after the
> seemingly unrelated openssl update?
I am still puzzled by this as the tests never failed on my machine!


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