On 2021-05-28 00:13, Robert Elz wrote:
     Date:        Thu, 27 May 2021 20:19:06 +0000
     From:        "Koning, Paul" <paul.kon...@dell.com>
     Message-ID:  <8765ae3a-b5b7-4b67-82ce-93473a5b9...@dell.com>

   | In this particular case it's converting frequency to period,
   | that is a sensible conversion.

But it isn't, you can't convert 60 ticks/second into some number of
milliseconds, the two are different units.

Not that much.
To quote wikipedia:

"The dimension of the unit hertz is 1/time (1/T). Expressed in base SI units it is 1/second (1/s)."

So basically, it's just the inverse of time. Based on that, it's pretty clear that conversion to/from time is very valid.

And in another reply:

Johnny Billquist <b...@softjar.se> said:
   | Frequency essentially means a counting of the number of  time something
   | happens over a specific time period. With hertz, the time  period is one
   | second.

   | So then converting the number of times an event
   | happens in a second into how long it is between two events makes total
   | sense.

It would, but that's not what the functions do.   What they do is tell
how many ticks occur in a specific number of milliseconds (or vice
versa).   Your calculation is just (in milliseconds) 1000/hz, and assuming
hz isn't varying, is a constant.

Good point. It's a conversion from ms (or whatever time) to/from the number of cycles (or ticks of you want) based on the frequency given.

I didn't think this through enough. While I certainly believe it's perfectly valid to convert between a frequency and a time for a single cycle, it do become weird to talk about frequency if we are in fact talking about some specific number of cycles, although those cycles can only be converted to a time if we have a frequency.

I guess you convinced me. We should really call it something like tickstoms and mstoticks. But that do rely on people then understanding that it is the ticks defined by HZ, and not any random ticks.


Johnny Billquist                  || "I'm on a bus
                                  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: b...@softjar.se             ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive!                     ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

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