hello.  Following up on my module question of last night, I now have 
the module loading
and unloading successfully.  However, when I try to open the devices I've 
associated with the
module, I get a device not configured error.  

Under NetBSD-5, Major number 196 was available, and the open worked.
Under NetBSD-9.99.77, major #196 is taken, so I've elected to use major #222 

        Under both copies of the module source code (Working netBSD-5 and 
work-in-progress NetBSD-9),
 I have something that looks like:

const struct cdevsw zaptel_cdevsw = {
        ztopen, noclose, noread, nowrite, noioctl, nostop, notty,
        nopoll, nommap, nokqfilter, nodiscard, 0

But I dont see how this gets associated with the device table in either version.

Since I don't see any errors, I'm assuming it's getting attached to the cdevs 
table, but,
somehow, it's not using the major number I think it is.  I believe, but am not 
sure, that under
NetBSD-5, it's just using the next available major number, which happens to be 
196.  Obviously,
that's different than under NetBSD-9.x.  So my question is, 
is there a way to examine the cdevs table on a running system and figure out 
which major number
it's choosing?  There doesn't appear to be a way to hard code the major number, 
but I could be
missing that since we didn't do that on the older version.

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