Usually your user program would attempt to open xyz0 which would find
the major/minor in th devsw tables.  You're relying on a hard coded
major.  That's the difference.

If you take the first approach and your module uses the
config_init_component() method to install the driver, it will do what
you want.

On the other hand, hard-coding the major requires rebuilding the kernel
to get the major-->name mapping.

Is there a reaason your user program needs to open-by-major?

On Wed, 1 Feb 2023, Brian Buhrow wrote:

        hello Brad.  I thought the idea behind modules was that you didn't need 
to rebuild a
kernel to add devices to the ioconf table?  And, in fact, under the old module 
framework, that
is, NetBSD-5 and earlier, you could add devices and major numbers to the table 
without having
to rebuild the kernel.  If, in fact, I need to rebuild the kernel to add device 
drivers to the
kernel, then I submit our module framework is fatally broken.  So, I'll hope 
that isn't the
case and proceed.  If I figure out how to do it, I'll post here so others won't 
have to climb
that learning curve using the same path.


| Paul Goyette       | PGP Key fingerprint:     | E-mail addresses:    |
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