On Thu, May 06, 2010 at 10:44:23AM -0400, Luke S Crawford spake thusly:
> The other day at the hardware store I noticed noise dampening headphones;   
> they looked like the enclosed ear protectors and claimed 27Dbi protection, 
> but they had a line in where you could plug in your MP3 player.  I should
> give something like that a go. 

Does anyone have a lead on an inexpensive headset/mic setup good for
talking on the phone in a datacenter? The standard bluetooth and even
wired headsets are just not made for this kind of environment.

When I'm not hacking on servers I am a commercial pilot. Aircraft tend
to be very noisy so we use either closed ear headsets or in-ear
headsets (my current favorite due to light weight) with a mic with
squelch control. This setup works very well in the airplane. The mic
is very directional and only picks up my voice and not engine/air
noise. I imagine something like it connected to a cell phone would be
a hot item in a noisy datacenter. Several times this week I have had
to call someone's tech support from the datacenter floor and talk to
them while standing behind a rack of screaming servers and fans. And
the person I'm talking to almost always has an accent. 

Sure would be nice if we could hear each other. I know the technology
exists out there somewhere. There are such things as:


but they all start at $100 (which I might actually just barely
consider but no more) and they all appear to be designed to be plugged
into an aircraft intercom system and will not work independently with
just a phone and a headset.

Tracy Reed

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