
We have a project whereby we'd like to stand up a number of small
virtual machines that are geographically distributed around the globe.
 On these we would like to run some small, simple, custom monitoring
scripts on them to give us some very specific performance information.
 We might be able to use a 3rd party monitoring provider with a
suitable amount of data manipulation to get their data into our
format, but franky we have this code in-house already.  Having some
shells available in far-flung places is an added plus for diagnosis
runs that makes rolling our own little monitoring solution seem like
the best option.

We've looked at a few VPS providers and haven't really found anyone
that we really truly like so I'm reaching out to the LOPSA community
to see if anyone have VPS providers who they like and/or recommend.
At this point, we might be willing to engage a number of smaller
regional providers to get the best deal versus one large global
provider, so give a shout out to your favorite non-US small VPS
provider if you have one as well!


nathan hruby <nhr...@gmail.com>
metaphysically wrinkle-free
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