>                And it's not full emulator if it doesn't emulate the
> bugs.

It's almost bedtime in Europe. Do you mind if I tell you a bedtime

Years ago, a (back then) successful company selling high-end Unix-based
workstations, having been designing its own systems and core components
for years, started designing a new generation of workstations.

As part of their design, they created a dedicated memory controller,
which turned out to fit their hardware so well that it was reused on
four other workstation motherboard designs.

That memory controller had, among many registers, an arbitration
register, used to configure the relative priority of onboard devices, as
well as expansion slots, to acquire the data bus. Proper setting of this
register is necessary to allow on-board devices and expansion slots to
correctly perform DMA, while still allowing cache writeback to run and

The proper value for that register had to be decided at runtime.

The recommended logic was to rely upon the minimal initialization done
by the firmware, and then clear some bits and set some others depending
upon what on-board devices would be present on the particular
motherboard artwork, and what would be found in the various expansion

However, it turned out that, on the first few revisions of the memory
controller, reading from this particular register was not reliable at
all. Sometimes, one would read the correct value, and sometimes, one
would read a completely wrong value, depending upon the recent activity
occuring on the data bus.

The hardware engineers could not figure out what exactly caused this.
Most importantly, they could not figure out a reliable workaround to get
the correct value out of this register.

So they asked the software guys for help. And the company's homemade
SVR4-based Unix grew a complex logic to decide, once and for all, which
value to write to the register, without having to rely upon the previous
value. And they told the hardware guys that it was ok not to worry about
this issue anymore.

OpenBSD runs on these systems, but we are not lucky enough to have all
the necessary hardware documentation, and, for some of the bits in this
register, we simply don't know when to set them, and when not to set
them. Instead, the OpenBSD kernel still reads that register, several
times, and has an ugly heuristic to decide when the value read is
likely to be correct. And then we only flip the bits we know for certain
we can tinker with. It's the best we can do.

Assuming someone would write an emulator for that particular system:
- if the ``unreliable read'' behaviour is not emulated, according to
  your logic, it's a bug in the emulator, which has to be fixed.
- if the behaviour is emulated, how can we know it is correctly
  emulated, since even the designers of the chip did not spend enough
  time tracking down the exact conditions leading to the misbehaviour
  (and which bogus value would be put on the data bus).

You may argue that, since the kernel has a workaround for this issue,
this is a moot point. But if some developer has a better idea for the
kernel heuristic, how can the new code be tested, if not on the real


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