On 2014/05/14 23:47, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2014/05/15 00:13, Mark Kettenis wrote:
> > > Date: Wed, 14 May 2014 23:29:20 +0200
> > > From: Henning Brauer <lists-openbsdt...@bsws.de>
> > 
> > > this diff fixes that. well, really two independent parts.
> > > one: set the NOINET6 flag by default on each and every interface.
> > 
> > ok on that bit
> > 
> > > two: implement "ifconfig <if> +inet6" to turn inet6 on and assign
> > > the link-local addr.
> > 
> > I don't think this is a good idea; didn't we establish the other day
> > that "ifconfig <if> eui64" already did what your +inet6 does?
> > 
> Actually it's "ifconfig <if> inet6 eui64", so in hostname.if with
> the current parser it would probably be something like "up inet6 eui64"
> or "!ifconfig $if inet6 eui64" instead ..

oh, actually reading netstart it seems we're ok with "inet6 eui64"
in hostname.if, providing there is nothing else on the line.. still
the handling of "inet" / "inet6" lines in this file is an area of
confusion and unexpected behaviour that I would quite like to avoid
adding to if possible..

> Using +inet6 gets around that problem and seems to me like a better
> counterpart to the existing -inet6.
> (If we were to make this work more nicely in netstart which is a bad
> place for any required changes; it's in etc*.tgz which is usually
> not updated until after the kernel/binaries).

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