On Fri, Mar 18, 2016 at 6:02 PM, Michal Mazurek <akf...@jasminek.net> wrote:
> BFS has one shared queue for all CPUs, maybe there is a very good reason
> for that, we'll see.


first of all congrats to optimistic results in interactive workloads.
Honestly I'm a little bit worried about your attempts since I think if
doing any scheduler modernization then it shall also consider to be
NUMA-aware or at least take NUMA into consideration. The problem is
that NUMA is no longer domain of high-cpu sockets boxes, but it's also
available or possibly to be available in 1 socket Haswell boxes when
configured right. Intel calls this "cluster-on-die" for your
Anyway, although worried, I'm still curious about your hacking in
scheduler, so I keep my fingers crossed! Thanks, Karel

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