On Tue, 10 Sep 2002 09:39:58 -0700
Justin Erenkrantz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > This patch has one problem. Install dir is cluttered with lotsa
> > apr/apu stuff (*-config scripts, includes, libraries) -- even when
> > flood is built with --disable-shared. I've had enough of autoconf
> > magic for today, so I'll tackle this tommorow (unless somebody else
> > beats me first).
> That's to be expected.
> The only caveat is to build flood statically - rather than
> dynamically (not sure if you can do that).

Yep. With --enable-shared and --disable-shared you can build flood the
way you want it. Just tried both switches minute ago. Works like a

> Yet, even if that
> happens, you still need to let APR and APR-util install - and they
> will install all of the ap{ru}-config files.
> The proper way to get around that is to install APR and APR-util
> on their own and pass --with-apr and --with-apr-util to configure.
> If they use an intree APR/APR-util, this cruft is what they get.

Uhmm. And since I saw few +1's for splitting APR/APR-util and httpd
releases, maybe we schould also get rid of those intree libs? I'll try
to play around with external APR/APR-util and see if flood builds clean
that way.

> > diff -urN flood.orig/configure.in flood/configure.in
> > --- flood.orig/configure.in 2002-07-22 07:48:02.000000000 +0200
> > +++ flood/configure.in      2002-09-10 18:35:18.000000000 +0200
> > @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
> >  AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR(build)
> >  
> >  dnl Override the default prefix with /pkg/flood-0.1
> > -AC_PREFIX_DEFAULT(/pkg/flood-0.1)
> > +AC_PREFIX_DEFAULT(/usr/local)
> To be precise, I think we could change it to /usr/local/flood.  But,
> we shouldn't install things to /usr/local by default.  As you can
> tell, I refuse to use /usr/local or encourage its use in others.  =)

Well... I just though, that since we have to install just one file -- we
don't have to worry about 'file system pollution'. Given that we can't
get rid of that APR/APR-util cruft -- /usr/local/flood seems fine. But,
if you really don't like /usr/local (why? :), then we could use
/pkg/flood. I'm just against having flood version number in directory
name. As soon as we settle up with directory name, I'll commit this
patch. To be exact, here are my prefferences:

/usr/local/flood  +1
/pkg/flood        +0
/pkg/flood-1.0    -1

Jacek Prucia
7bulls.com S.A.

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