On Thu, Sep 12, 2002 at 12:48:15AM +0200, Jacek Prucia wrote:
> Here's a snippet from 1.3 INSTALL file:
>          Note: To reduce the pollution of shared installation locations
>                (like /usr/local/ or /etc) with Apache files to a minimum the
>                string ``/apache'' is automatically appended to 'libexecdir',
>                'sysconfdir', 'datadir', 'localstatedir' and 'includedir' if
>                (and only if) the following points apply for each path
>                individually:
>                    1. the path doesn't already contain the word ``apache''
>                    2. the path was not directly customized by the user
> ...so it looks like it was intended to have all files under separate 
> directory.

That is for apache 1.3, which has many installation files. Flood has one
binary, no man pages, and nothing else that needs to be installed (AFAICT).
This list will grow over time, but will not ever be that large.

> Correct, but right now flood install means also APR/APR-util install. That 
> way you just have all-purpose library installed system wide. What if that 
> overwrites another set of APR/APR-util libs from other httpd-2.0/subversion 
> instalation? Big suckage.

We shouldn't ever be installing apr or apr-util as part of flood. Ideally
we will depend on an already-installed version of flood, be that in some
standard location or not. Some work has been done lately to make apr
and apr-util able to be independently installable.

I feel rather strongly that if we change the default install location
from /usr/local to something else we will be violating the principle of
least astonishment.

> > It really is a pain for users when autoconf-based
> > projects go and try to do their own thing.
> I think flood needs a nice and descriptive build doc (current doc is nice, 
> but not descriptive :)). We could write why default PREFIX is separate 
> directory, and how to link flood dynamically against external APR/APR-util 
> and have only file for instalation (which fits /usr/local location quite 
> nicely). I'm still playing with httpd-docs xml/xsl files, but looks like I'll 
> have a flood-docs skeleton ready soon.

I agree, but not with changing the default from /usr/local. People will
expect it to work like that. People who don't want it in /usr/local typically
know how to run ./configure --prefix=/foo/bar. It's the other people (and
my own tendencies to assume /usr/local, admittedly) that I'm more concerned


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