wiadomosc od Aaron Bannert, z dnia Wed, Sep 11, 2002 at 01:08:42PM -0700
> On Wed, Sep 11, 2002 at 12:29:56PM -0700, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
> > httpd and APR both do not have their default prefix set to
> > /usr/local, but rather /usr/local/{apache2,apr}.  I think it's
> > better to follow that strategy than /usr/local for the clueless
> > newbie who doesn't use --prefix.  -- justin
> I think that's because there is a very high chance that both httpd
> and APR may have multiple installed versions in parallel.

Here's a snippet from 1.3 INSTALL file:

         Note: To reduce the pollution of shared installation locations
               (like /usr/local/ or /etc) with Apache files to a minimum the
               string ``/apache'' is automatically appended to 'libexecdir',
               'sysconfdir', 'datadir', 'localstatedir' and 'includedir' if
               (and only if) the following points apply for each path

                   1. the path doesn't already contain the word ``apache''
                   2. the path was not directly customized by the user

...so it looks like it was intended to have all files under separate directory.

> I doubt
> that flood will be used in the same conditions, and if it is they
> should use the same thing everyone else uses to install in a new
> location: --prefix.

Correct, but right now flood install means also APR/APR-util install. That way 
you just have all-purpose library installed system wide. What if that 
overwrites another set of APR/APR-util libs from other httpd-2.0/subversion 
instalation? Big suckage.

> It really is a pain for users when autoconf-based
> projects go and try to do their own thing.

I think flood needs a nice and descriptive build doc (current doc is nice, but 
not descriptive :)). We could write why default PREFIX is separate directory, 
and how to link flood dynamically against external APR/APR-util and have only 
file for instalation (which fits /usr/local location quite nicely). I'm still 
playing with httpd-docs xml/xsl files, but looks like I'll have a flood-docs 
skeleton ready soon.

Jacek Prucia
7bulls.com S.A.

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