On Mon, 2005-01-24 at 00:30 -0800, Mike Castle wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 23, 2005 at 03:31:39PM +0100, Thomas Esser wrote:
> > This 2.99.10 is the fourth (and hopefully last) release candidate of
> > teTeX-3.0. There have been several issues with 2.99.9 which made this
> I do not yet have 2.99.10 downloaded, but looking at 2.99.9 and the new
> release notes, it looks like texi2html is still at 1.70.
> Version 1.72 is out, and 1.70 has known issues with going into endless loop
> (for example, try to build octave-2.1.64 sometime, texi2html never
> finishes with 1.70 but 1.72 works).

There were serious issues also with the latest stable texi2html-1.72
while compiling quagga. It also hung up in an infinite loop. The lastest
texi2html working for me was 1.66 and I was able to reproduce the
infinite loop issue also with any higher texi2html release.


Jindrich Novy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://people.redhat.com/jnovy/

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