> Nevertheless, a clear warning when the user-specific texconfig is run
> by root seems appropriate: if people set up root-specific defaults for

I hate to make lots of special cases (writable directories, user is root etc.).

To consider:
  - texconfig-sys calls texconfig, so the invocation of texconfig would
    need to know that root has called texconfig-sys in the first place
    and not texconfig directly
  - consider the chain texconfig-sys -> texconfig -> fmtutil; sure,
    you don't want that fmtutil issues a warning.
  - root might have read the documentation and set TEXMFVAR / TEXMFCONFIG
    to something that is useful
  - making texconfig to prompt for something might break something else
  - a warning without a prompt almost useless (who reads all the messages
    that pass along!?)
  - texconfig is not the only tool to consider

So, I don't think that I should do that.


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