Hi Erik,

thanks for your testing and feedback!

> I am not sure where generated font-files are best placed, but my 
> understanding is that $TETEXDIR/share/texmf should hold any 
> automatically generated stuff like format files and font files.

The default is to have the font files in /var/tmp/texfonts. If you want
to use the texmfmain tree for that, you should:

  texconfig-sys font vardir $TETEXDIR/share/texmf/fonts
  mkdir $TETEXDIR/share/texmf/fonts
  chmod 1777 $TETEXDIR/share/texmf/fonts

That way, the fonts directory (and any automatically created subdirectory)
will be writable by everybody.

I might add something like this to the documantation or add support for
it to texconfig.

> Since I have failed to see the reason for a $TETEXDIR/share/texmf-var 
> tree when I already have the $TETEXDIR/share/texmf tree, I have omitted 
> the texmf-var tree.

Still, you *have* to set TEXMFSYSVAR and TEXMFSYSCONFIG in your texmf.cnf
file. You can assign the same value taht TEXMFMAIN has, but you have to
set it.

> I haev also always wondered how to manage write permission for the font 
> directories.

It used to be simple. Now, we have $TEXMFMAIN/web2c/mktexdir which
uses kpsestat. To some extend, permissions of the parent directory are
inherited (and a sticky bit might be added).

> feels highly unsatisfactory. What is the "right" way to do it?

Set the right permissions to the parent directory.

> However, if I then do 'fmtutil-sys --all', format files still get 
> generated in ~/.texmf-var, not in $TETEXDIR/share/texmf as I wanted (or 
> $TETEXDIR/share/texmf-var as I had expected)

I see that /bin/sh on solaris does not put a=b into the environment if
exec is used in the following way:
  /bin/sh -c 'a=b exec env'

I have not expected this and I guess that on most systems with a standard
bourne shell this makes all the -sys variants useless. Sorry! (I am
grateful that this was detected that early!)

Try to use
  TEXMFVAR="$v"; TEXMFCONFIG="$c"; export TEXMFVAR TEXMFCONFIG; exec fmtutil 
instead of
  TEXMFVAR="$v" TEXMFCONFIG="$c" exec fmtutil ${1+"$@"}
(same change for texconfig-sys and updmap.sys).

> Can someone enlighten me how to set up the environment.

It is not your fault!

> Also on a final note, I have the cm-super fonts installed in the local 
> texmf-tree and would like to enable them. Previously I have edited 
> updmap.cfg by hand but now I tried to use the updmap-sys script like this:

  updmap-sys --edit
does what you want.

> updmap-sys --enable Map=cm-super-x2.map
> This does not seem to work as expected.

It does not? How does it fail? What is the error/problem?


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