Hi all.

I have not yet grasped all new changes and am currently a little confused about all texmf-trees and environment variables. So I explain my confusion and hopfully someone can set me straight(er).

I have the following structure on my filesystem for the tetex installation
.../tex/teTeX/20050131 # $TETEXDIR
.../tex/local/texmf    # local texmf-tree

In my local texmf-tree the file .../tex/local/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf
consists of the lines:

TEXMF = {$HOMETEXMF,!!$TEXMFLOCAL,!!/home/fs/frisk/usr/tex/local/texmf.tex4ht,!!$VARTEXMF,!!$TEXMFMAIN,!!$TEXMFDIST}

The goal is a tex-installation for the department with a local texmf tree that includes some style-files and possibly also some font-files.

I am not sure where generated font-files are best placed, but my understanding is that $TETEXDIR/share/texmf should hold any automatically generated stuff like format files and font files.
Since I have failed to see the reason for a $TETEXDIR/share/texmf-var tree when I already have the $TETEXDIR/share/texmf tree, I have omitted the texmf-var tree.

I haev also always wondered how to manage write permission for the font directories. Since, if a user uses a font for the first time, a new directory is created with permissions only for that user. The next user who uses that font can now not generate files in that directory. I have up til now "solved" this by doing recurrent 'chmod -R' calls. But this feels highly unsatisfactory. What is the "right" way to do it?

Installation procedure ====================== 1) configure --with-xdvi-x-toolkit=xaw --prefix=$TETEXDIR make world 2) texconfig-sys font vardir $TETEXDIR/share/texmf

Post-installation procedure =========================== Set environment variable $TEXMFCNF to .../tex/local/texmf/web2c/:

However, if I then do 'fmtutil-sys --all', format files still get generated in ~/.texmf-var, not in $TETEXDIR/share/texmf as I wanted (or $TETEXDIR/share/texmf-var as I had expected)

Now, when reading the release notes I see that there are also texmf-config trees. I also feel uncertain how the user texmf-trees (~/.texmf-var, ~/.texmf-config etc.) interact with the system trees.

Can someone enlighten me how to set up the environment.

Also on a final note, I have the cm-super fonts installed in the local texmf-tree and would like to enable them. Previously I have edited updmap.cfg by hand but now I tried to use the updmap-sys script like this:

updmap-sys --enable Map=cm-super-t1.map
updmap-sys --enable Map=cm-super-ts1.map
updmap-sys --enable Map=cm-super-t2a.map
updmap-sys --enable Map=cm-super-t2b.map
updmap-sys --enable Map=cm-super-t2c.map
updmap-sys --enable Map=cm-super-x2.map

This does not seem to work as expected. Also, is there a way to specify all new map-files in a single call to updmap-sys?

Thanks for any help,


--------------------------------------------------------------------- Erik Frisk email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Dept. of Electrical Engineering tel: +46 13 285714 Linköping University fax: +46 13 282035 S-581 83 Linköping SWEDEN http://www.fs.isy.liu.se/~frisk/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------

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