>>>>> "Werner" == Werner Fink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  > It would be a great win if teTeX would fulfill the FHS[1], in
  > short all configuration should be placed in /etc/texmf/, all
  > [...]

Hi Werner,
one feature of teTeX is that you can put it on one machine into one
directory, and mount this directory on an other machine anywhere else.
This requires that all needed files are in the nfs mounted tree.

This also means that there shouldn't be any paths compiled into the
binaries.  The config file and the texmf tree are searched for in a
directory relative to the directory where the binaries are.

So the only thing you have to do is to put the latter into $PATH.

Of course, it is good if a Linux distribution complies with the FHS,
but in this case it's better to leave it as it is.

What you can do is to make /etc/texmf/texmf.cnf a symlink pointing to
the real file.  Then it's at least easier to remember where the config
filen is.

Though you could provide symlinks to other config files as well
(updmap.cnf, fmtutil.cnf), in my opinion it's better to convince people
to use the program texconfig instead.

SuSE installs teTeX locally on each machine but in certain
circumstances it is not bad to put it on a server and export it for
nfs.  In this case you'll like teTeX as it is.

teTeX is a distribution for UNIX, not only for Linux.  If it does not
have a negative impact on other UNIX systems I agree with you that
at least the files which do not have to be inside the teTeX tree (for
instance $VARFONTS) go into a directory complying with the FHS.  


Reinhard Kotucha                                      Phone: +49-511-4592165
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