>>>>> "Metod" == Metod Kozelj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  > On the other hand, it is imensely great to have a directory
  > structure as it is now. [...]

I must admit that I misunderstood Werner's first mail.  I thought that
he wanted teTeX to be changed, but his reply to my mail made clear
that he just asks for a configure option, as you suggest.

you mentioned the following directories:


All files in texmf are platform independent and can be on a read-only
file system.  So we only have


If Thomas agrees that $VARTEXFONTS should be /var/cache/fonts/ instead
of /var/tmp/texfonts, what remains is only the symlink to texmf.cnf.

You wrote:

  > Hmmm ... the package te_nfs provides a script tetex-import
  > together with a README for importing the full teTeX structure
  > from a teTeX server.  Clearly this package conflicts with all
  > other teTeX packages.

I use Slackware, so I cannot look into the files.  Can you explain
what you mean?  Isn't it sufficient to set the $PATH appropriately on
a client?  I do not understand what you man with "this package
conflicts with all other teTeX packages.".


Reinhard Kotucha                                      Phone: +49-511-4592165
Marschnerstr. 25
D-30167 Hannover                              mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Microsoft isn't the answer. Microsoft is the question, and the answer is NO.

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