Christian Baun schrieb:

> today my Debian-System did an teTeX upgrade from 2.0.2 to 3.0.
> Now, /usr/bin/latex is a Link to pdfetex (!?)

> When I start LaTeX, it don't produce dvi output. Only pdf output. Why?

   You have some code along the lines of


in your document to distinguish between pdfTeX and TeX (btw., this code
was *never* really correct).  Since now pdfeTeX is the standard engine
for LaTeX alwas the \else path is taken and \pdfoutput is set to 1,
thus enabling PDF output instead of DVI output (\pdfoutput=0, the
standard value whan calling latex).

   Are you really sure you have to distinguish between PDF and DVI
output?  Many packages (notably graphicx and hyperef) are clever enough
to detect the desired output automatically.  If you are really sure you
need to distinguish by hand then use ifpdf.sty.

> I have seen on
> "Default engine: pdfetex is now the default engine used for most
> formats (including latex)."
> But how can I get my dvi back?

   Don't set \pdfoutput to 1.


Nothing is impossible for the man who will not listen to reason.

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