>>>>> "Rolf" == Rolf Niepraschk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  > Don't use the plain TeX syntax! Better:

  >   \input{fixpdftest}

  > or

  >   \usepackage{fixpdftest}% fixpdftest.tex --> fixpdftest.sty

Of course, \input{<filename>} is more appropriate for LaTeX users than
\input <filename>.

However, I proposed \input instead of \usepackage to allow inserting
it at the very top of a file, i.e. before \documentclass.

\usepackage will issue the following error massage in this case:

   ! LaTeX Error: \usepackage before \documentclass.

There is another interesting thing.  How about this one?

   latex fixpdftest myfile

In this case fixpdftest.tex will be executed before \documentclass.


Reinhard Kotucha                                      Phone: +49-511-4592165
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