On Tue, 30 May 2006, Dr. Werner Fink wrote:

> Hmmm ... I'm the maintainer of teTeX here at SuSE (we're not Redhat based).
> Two major problems I see with TeXLive, first it is a HUGE one, therefore

I use TeXLive on Linux and teTeX in OS/2. My problem in OS/2 is that
important packages are missing and I have to take them from somewhere else
(usually I get the corresponding zip file from the TL DVD, fortunatelly
the directory structure is very similar). On the other hand, I may be a
special kind of user.

> I've to drop some stuff to get it fit to the size of teTeX .... next is:
> is there a clear policy and check(!) about license stuff within the
> TeXLive tree.
I believe so. I just remind e-mails in this list from the last half year.
TL as well as other sources contain fonts that are believed to be free but
it was not sure. Developers of TL work hard to find the official message
stating that the fonts are free etc. You can find about the policy just by
reviewing the archive of the texlive list.

>          Werner
> --
>  Dr. Werner Fink, SuSE LINUX Products GmbH,  Maxfeldstrasse 5, Nuernberg
>  Germany http://www.suse.de/ and USA http://www.suse.com/
>  mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.suse.de/~werner/   fax:+49-911-3206727
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>   "Having a smoking section in a restaurant is like having
>           a peeing section in a swimming pool." -- Edward Burr

Zdenek Wagner

see also http://hroch486.icpf.cas.cz/wagner/

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