Axel Thimm wrote:
Does this mean, that this is still the case? E.g. is TeXLive still
modular to allow shaping a subset compared to what teTeX offers today?
Yes, very much so. It describes 84 "collections", containing
1079 packages. The metadata about these is in a series of XML files. eg
here is the defintion for the "chemistry" collection:

<!DOCTYPE rdf:RDF SYSTEM "../../support/tpm.dtd">
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""; xmlns:TPM="";> <rdf:Description about="";>
   <TPM:Date>1970/01/01 00:00:00</TPM:Date>
   <TPM:Title>Chemical typesetting</TPM:Title>
   <TPM:Description>Essential chemistry</TPM:Description>
<TPM:RunFiles size="1228">texmf/tpm/collection-chemistry.tpm</TPM:RunFiles>
     <TPM:Package name="bpchem"/>
     <TPM:Package name="chemarrow"/>
     <TPM:Package name="chemcompounds"/>
     <TPM:Package name="chemcono"/>
     <TPM:Package name="chemsym"/>
     <TPM:Package name="mhchem"/>
     <TPM:Package name="xymtex"/>
     <TPM:TLCore name="collection-basic"/>

and so on
In general would you (or the TeXLive maintainers in general) consider
offering a set of sources with size/functionality similar to today's
teTeX? If so then that would probably please everyone! :)
if you can work out which collection of packages equates
to teTeX, its relatively easy. There are no secrets in this,
its all just sitting there in the TL Subversion, anyone can
do what they want with it.
But if there would be say a program source tarball, a "basic TeXLive"
texmf tarball (which compares in size/functionality to teTeX) and a
tarball containing all the rest, then Fedora Core would ship the first
two on the media and keep the third in the Fedora Extras repository
where size doesn't matter.
that would be doable.

I hasten to add that I haven't done any real work on TL myself for a
couple of years, and I am not volunteering to assist on
projects like this, but I do believe that if you look at
Norbert Preining's script which takes TL and builds
a set of Debian packages from it, it would be a work
of a few weeks to get the RPMs you want.

Sebastian Rahtz
Information Manager, Oxford University Computing Services
13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN. Phone +44 1865 283431

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