Denis Barbier writes:
 > Every (te)TeX distribution has its preferred documentation format.

well, its often dictated by the package author, but no matter

 > Order in which formats are parsed is actually hardcoded in texdoc, which
 > i do not like. To fit your needs you only have to edit texmf.cnf without
 > patching texdoc, e.g.
 >    TEXDOCSSUFFIX = :.html:.dvi:.doc

But if my preference is .dvi followed by .html, and my .dvi files are
compressed, I will get the .html before the .dvi.gz. That is surely

 > >  > There is one funny drawback: temporary file is removed before viewer is
 > >  > launched, but this should be easy to fix.
 > > sounds a bit fundamental...
 > Yes, but it will imply some changes in current texdoc's behaviour, so
 > Thomas will decide what is _the_ answer.

I think Thomas has publicly said that he is *NOT* developing teTeX at
present; it would be nice to get a working solution on our own...


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