> modifications: on Win/UNIX, end of lines are different, so files
> shipped on these platforms are different too. Does this break copyright?

I don't consider "correcting" end-of-line markers a modification of
a file. It is the correct representation of the file for a given OS.
I don't know how a court would decide, however.

> If not, why does compression break copyright?

I did not say this. I said that the debian people have to be careful...
Some package author might complain that his documentation becomes
incorrect, because it has references to foo.dvi (and not to foo.dvi.gz).

> Another most interesting point: some French people translate LaTeX
> documentation. I currently do not understand how this is possible
> without breaking the LPPL; I will some day ask on c.t.t. :)

A lppl package lists all files that have to be distributed together. Adding
files is usually ok (omitting files, however, usually not).

> Come on. You always had useful comments on this thread, so i suggested
> you to give us a hint before i send erroneous patches.

A hint: don't execute viewers in the background. texdoc can clean up
the temp directory after the viewer terminates:
  rm -rf ...

Or, start a background job which starts the viewer and cleans up the
temp dir after the viewer terminates:
  (foo; rm -rf ...) &


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