On  3 Nov, Rainer Menzner wrote:
> Tom Kacvinsky wrote:
>> Hi all
>> On Thu, 2 Nov 2000, Rainer Menzner wrote:
>> > C. Michael McCallum wrote:
>> > 
>> > > T1_LoadFont(): Loading font with ID = 3 failed! (mode = -2)
>> > > T1_LoadFont(): Loading font with ID = 4 failed! (mode = -2)
>> > > T1_LoadFont(): Loading font with ID = 10 failed! (mode = -2)
>> > > 
>> > 
>> > These are t1lib-error messages which indicate that the respective Type
>> > 1 font could not be loaded. Since (AFAIK) t1lib can process all
>> > cm-outline fonts, I suspect it could be problem intorduced by font
>> > subsetting, but I'm not sure. Maybe this is not tetex-related at all.
>> > 
>> The PDF file is just fine, font wise.  I am beginning to suspect the problem has
>> to do with xpdf and how it extracts the fonts for hand-off to t1lib.
>> I only got the error messages for font IDs 3 and 4, but not for font ID 10.
>> This was with xpdf 0.90 (I haven't yet upgraded to 0.91, but that upgrade was
>> for security fixes, not font handling "bugs").
>> I'll contact Derek about this...
> If the relevant subsetted fonts could be extracted into isolated Type
> 1 files I could try to help finding the problem (Tom? Derek?)

I tried viewing the PDF file (which Tom sent me) on my system, and it
worked fine.  After emailing back and forth, it looks like Tom is using
an older version of t1lib (0.9.1), so I'm guessing that's the problem,
but I'm still waiting to hear back from him.

I seem to recall some of the t1lib bug fixes dealt with problems like
this (?)

In any case, I'd be happy to extract the fonts from the PDF file if
upgrading to a newer t1lib doesn't fix the problem.

- Derek

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