Thanks a lot for the help, everyone... so let me get this straight:
The fonts *are* in the .pdf file, it is just xpdf that is not displaying
them?  If I use say, acrobat reader to display the file, it will be OK?
I do have acrobat reader for my MacOS --- I run linux though, and try
to avoid PC OSes wherever possible. ;)

I wasn't sure of the origin of the problem (teTeX/xdvi/mf or pdftex), so 
I tried both groups.  I will say that even though I was forced to move my
teTeX to 1999/2000 version, it was relatively painless.  Thanks TE!

Of course I will try it now in MacOS.... it looks great!  I'm 99% sure
I would be using the MacOS to show these pdfs anyway, so in the end it 
doesn't matter.  Now, if XFree86 ever cleanly supports auxillary monitors,
I'll need it to work. ;)


C. Michael McCallum         |  Elegant does not mean correct;
Associate Professor         |    it may simply mean that the
Chemistry, UOP              |    result is simple *and* wrong.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]           | (209) 946-2393 | fax (209) 946-2607

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