Hi all!

I want to remove the clef and key signatures placing restriction from
NoteEdit (http://rnvs.informatik.tu-chemnitz.de/~jan/noteedit/noteedit.html).
Many users requested this.

Because I use the MUP syntax as file format I need a possibility
to express clefs and key signatures everywhere ecpecially not
behind a bar sign.

But whatever I do I can't find a solution. And the MUP documentation
doesn't mention this case.

Before I define some non-MUP-conforming syntax: Does anybody know
how to place clefs and key signatures somewhere in the middle of
a MUP measure ?

The "clef" and "key" statments can only occur in "score" environment.
But if I place a "score" statement after - say - a half measure MUP says:

"can't change context inside a measure"

Ok, I tried "invisbar" and "hidechanges". But what a disappointment:
MUP regards these bars a normal bars and says: "time in measure does
not add up to time signature". Of course, that's the nature of
clefs and key signatures inside measures!


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