Joerg Anders wrote:
> Hi all!
> I want to remove the clef and key signatures placing restriction from
> NoteEdit (
> Many users requested this.
> Because I use the MUP syntax as file format I need a possibility
> to express clefs and key signatures everywhere ecpecially not
> behind a bar sign.
> But whatever I do I can't find a solution. And the MUP documentation
> doesn't mention this case.
> Before I define some non-MUP-conforming syntax: Does anybody know
> how to place clefs and key signatures somewhere in the middle of
> a MUP measure ?
> The "clef" and "key" statments can only occur in "score" environment.
> But if I place a "score" statement after - say - a half measure MUP says:
> "can't change context inside a measure"
> Ok, I tried "invisbar" and "hidechanges". But what a disappointment:
> MUP regards these bars a normal bars and says: "time in measure does
> not add up to time signature". Of course, that's the nature of
> clefs and key signatures inside measures!

Even if this list normally doesn't deal with MUP technical questions I
nevertheless choose to answer publically to the benefit of possible
other subscribers who - like me - do MUP typesetting along with

The general trick in such cases is to use 'spaces' combined with
invisible bar lines and adjusted measure setting. Unless explicitly
otherwise flagged spaces do not print anything but do add up to a full
measure. In MUP typeset scores pickup bars are generated by means of
spaces, see MUP docs section 4.1.3 

Also have a look at section 10.3, 'Special uses of invisbar'.

Here is a possible method of doing what you want. As you'll notice 'bar
2' is actually made up of 2 bars (bar 2 & bar 2a) with an invisible bar
line inbetween. Each bar contain printed note values corresponding to a
halved bar only and the key- and clef changes are placed at the start of
bar 2a. Measure number is decreased by one at the end of bar 2a. Due to
the invisible barline for a human reader it looks like there is only one
bar 2 with key- and clef change in the middle of the bar. See attached
postscript output.

        clef = bass
        key = 3#
        packfact = 3
        measnum = y
        1: a; ; ; ;

        1: a; ; 2s;

        clef = tenor
        key = 2#
        1: a; ; 2s;
        bar mnum=3

        1: a; ; ; ;

        1: a; ; ; ;

Best regards
Christian Mondrup, Computer Programmer
Scandiatransplant, Skejby Hospital, University Hospital of Aarhus
Brendstrupgaardsvej, DK 8200 Aarhus N, Denmark
Phone: +45 89 49 53 01 -

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