On Sat, 04 Jan 2003 14:22:13 +0100, Daniel Taupin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>It should be especially tested with HUGE tests, in order to check that
>it does not cause errors du to number of registers exhausted. 

I don't know if this qualifies as "huge", but I've just re-TeX-ed the
source for the BWV995 suite in its entirety and encountered no
problems whatsoever. (MikTeX 2.1.8 on Windows 2000.)

Thank you again for a wonderful music typesetter.


Downloadable guitar edition of J.S. Bach, Lute Suite BWV 995:
"People think that I can teach them style. What stuff it all is!
Have something to say, and say it as clearly as you can. That is
the only secret of style." 
        --- Matthew Arnold (1898), quoted in David and 
            Hilary Crystal's "Words on Words" (2000)
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