Hi all

I've got a problem with a lengthy PMX source which looks to me like being
a PMX problem due to the length of the file. Some attempts to considerably
shorten the file failed. Breaking the sources into shorter pieces is
unfortunately not a real solution: I was asked to make instrumental parts
of my score of Brumel's 12 voice mass. Doing cut and paste for 12 voices
times 15 pmx sources makes a lot of work :-(. Thus I would like to have
the mass parts (kyrie, gloria, credo, sanctus/benedictus, agnus) as one
PMX file each, and auomatically generating one single-part per voice file
from each. Now the problem:

uncommenting line 489   ( see attached zip file, line "%L7P4Mi.0c" )

! Missing number, treated as zero.
<to be read again>
\setname #1#2->\n@v #1
                      \relax \expandafter \edef \csname
l.540 \setname*{}

It is the 'M' which causes the trouble.
Making then parts with

> scor2prt kyrie
> pmx kyrie1


  Bar 55  Bar 56  Bar 57  Bar 58  Bar 59  Bar 60  Bar 61  Bar 62

 ERROR in line 383, bar 64 Bar line marker out of place
 \beginmel\ d0  g2d- a4 b2d c4 d2d e4 f2d g4 a2 d2- | /
and the meter change given in line 1160 seems not to get through the part
making procedure. Is this error reproducable? Am I'doing something wrong?
(newest PMX and musixTeX versions)

regards and thanks for any help

Attachment: kyrie.zip
Description: Zip archive

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