On Thu, 20 Feb 2003, Bernhard Lang wrote:

> I've got a problem with a lengthy PMX source which looks to me like being
> a PMX problem due to the length of the file. Some attempts to considerably
> shorten the file failed. Breaking the sources into shorter pieces is
> unfortunately not a real solution: I was asked to make instrumental parts
> of my score of Brumel's 12 voice mass. Doing cut and paste for 12 voices
> times 15 pmx sources makes a lot of work :-(. Thus I would like to have
> the mass parts (kyrie, gloria, credo, sanctus/benedictus, agnus) as one
> PMX file each, and auomatically generating one single-part per voice file
> from each. Now the problem:

Dear Bernhard,
I had the same problem when I made the score for the BWV1052. For the
typesetting it was necessary to cut movement 1 and 3 in five pmx-files each,
which were separately PMXed and SCOR2PRTed, the resulting TeX files fused
by an editor macro even correcting automatically the
% Bar count nrs. I did not find it so difficult. I would strongly discourage
using pasting by hand, it is too tedious and error-prone. If your editor has good
macro facilities, everything goes more or less
automatically. A perl file or a script may do it as well. By the way:
the tex file does not seem to have any length restriction. This comes from
shipping out completed pages.  This may look mor complicated, but if you
considering the time saving using pmx, it is really still an enormous bargain.


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