This is the output I get for one of Don Simmons example PMX files, everything is fine, 
as expected.

It contains all information about version numbers, how it builds the final PDF.

Don, iTexMac is a TeX editor plus compiler/typesetting environment for mac. It has all 
the features needed, like syntax colouring and more...
(For those who are interested, here is from where I installed it:

Its under GNU public licence, works brilliant. It is configurable, for using it with 
PMX I added a 'generic project' that in principle contains the commands to execute in 
order to get from the soruce to the final output. Because Mac OS X offers good support 
for PDF I use this as my output format.

The steps can be seen from my pasted logfile.

OOPS, I thought I would post the output of a non working file, using the one Don 
suggested so kindly yesterday. Now I see my problem might be something in the 
configuration of iTexMac: 

the pmxab command pass 1 and 2 work fine. The following tex call seems to expect as 
input a file called simplest.pmx, but it should probably look for simplest.tex? It 
seems that iTeXMac does something to a file so that its extension is dropped from what 
you see when its listed in a OS X file browser, but the UNIX OS uses the extension ... 
in short I need to investigate further .... sorry for the confusion.

About PMX and the binaries: I compiled them on my computer, using 'Apple Developer 
Tools' which include GNU gcc and everything. If somebody wants my binaries, tell me 
how to wrap them up and where to send them


if (-e /usr/share/init/tcsh/login) source /usr/share/init/tcsh/login
source "/Applications/iTeXMac 1.3-RC1/"
# this line is commented out
pmxab barsant
rm*;tex barsant; musixflx barsant; pdftex barsant
# the key word pmxab barsant represents the compile commands
#  Making Paths...
#  Paths OK
 This is pmxab, version 2.3, 19 February 2001
 Opening barsant.pmx                                    

 Starting first PMX pass

  Bar 1  Bar 2  Bar 3  Bar 4  Bar 5  Bar 6  Bar 7  Bar 8  Bar 9  Bar 10  Bar 11
  Bar 12  Bar 13  Bar 14  Bar 15  Bar 16  Bar 17
 Done with first pass

 Starting second PMX pass

   In a title block, you have specified instrument and/or
   composer but no title for the piece.

  Bar 1  Bar 2  Bar 3  Bar 4  Bar 5  Bar 6  Bar 7  Bar 8  Bar 9  Bar 10  Bar 11
  Bar 12  Bar 13  Bar 14  Bar 15  Bar 16  Bar 17
 Writing ./barsant.tex
 Done with second PMX pass.
 Writing barsant.mid
 MIDI instrument  0 is  74
 MIDI instrument  1 is   6
  Bytes used:  2126   807    21
This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.4.5)
(./barsant.tex (/Users/martin/Library/texmf/tex/musixtex.tex
MusiXTeX(c) T.112 <3 Jan. 2003>
) (/Users/martin/Library/texmf/tex/pmx.tex
PMX, a Preprocessor for MusiXTeX, v2.3 <19 February 2001>
) (/Users/martin/Library/texmf/tex/musixmad.tex
MusiXADDitional instruments T.99 <24 March 2000>
MusiXMore ADditional instruments T.99 <24 March 2000>
) bar 1 bar 2 bar 3 bar 4 bar 5 bar 6 bar 7 bar 8 bar 9 bar 10 bar 11 bar 12
bar 13 bar 14 bar 15 bar 16 bar 17 [1]
Memory usage before: 24769&25884; after: 244&24771; still untouched: 943922
Output written on barsant.dvi (1 page, 23480 bytes).
Transcript written on barsant.log.

 <<< musixflex 0.83/T.63dt+jh.2 >>>

 ... decoding command line
 ... open <barsant.mx1> for input
 ... testing versionnumber
 ... open <barsant.mx2> for output
 ... reading
 ... compute
 ... thats all, bye
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159-1.10b (Web2C 7.4.5)
MusiXTeX(c) T.112 <3 Jan. 2003>
) (/Users/martin/Library/texmf/tex/pmx.tex
PMX, a Preprocessor for MusiXTeX, v2.3 <19 February 2001>
) (/Users/martin/Library/texmf/tex/musixmad.tex
MusiXADDitional instruments T.99 <24 March 2000>
MusiXMore ADditional instruments T.99 <24 March 2000>
) (barsant.mx2) < 1> bar 1 bar 2 < 2> bar 3 bar 4 < 3> bar 5 bar 6 < 4> bar 7
bar 8 bar 9 < 5> bar 10 bar 11 bar 12 < 6> bar 13 bar 14 < 7> bar 15 bar 16
bar 17 [1{/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.tetex/dvips/config/}]
Memory usage before: 24857&25799; after: 244&24676; still untouched: 944008
pe1/bluesky/cm/cmbx8.pfb> </Users/martin/Library/texmf/fonts/pk/ljfour/musixtex
/xslz20.600pk> </Users/martin/Library/texmf/fonts/pk/ljfour/musixtex/xslu20.600
pk> </Users/martin/Library/texmf/fonts/pk/ljfour/musixtex/xsld20.600pk> </Users
mf.tetex/fonts/type1/bluesky/cm/cmbx10.pfb> </Users/martin/Library/texmf/fonts/
Output written on barsant.pdf (1 page, 71961 bytes).
Transcript written on barsant.log.
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