Andre Van Ryckeghem wrote
>[ Don wrote]
> > I'm thinking seriously about handling this matter and others
> related to it
> > within PMX, without requiring any new TeX coding.
> 'without requiring any new TeX coding': you mean musixps.tex
> (Stanislav Kneifl) included?

I'm just about finished with this, but there may be a few bugs I need to
deal with. May be done by tomorrow.  The new features will require
musixps.tex, and that you include "Apl" in the preamble. (before, "Apl" only
affected ties.)  All the rest will be through options in the PMX slur syntax
for the start and end of the slur/tie. The new coding will unify the
handling of linebreak slurs and ties (remember, they're really different
with "Ap"!). With "Apl" every slur/tie at a line break is broken into two
separate ones. (Maybe if there aren't any tweaks they should be left alone?)
Tweaks to the start of the first segment and the end of the second are
handled as before. For the end of the first segment and start of the second,
PMX has to decide where they go. The default heights are now the same as the
start of the first segment. This represents a slight difference from the
musixps default, where the first segment of a linebreak slur always comes
out tilted. There are also some slight differences in the horizontal default
positions, including the starting point of the second tie segment, which
musixps.tex puts too far to the right for my taste. The new news is that if
you don't like the defaults, you can use special position tweaks, designated
in the command that starts the slur/tie, in the usual way but preceded by
one "s" (sever or split) for the end of seg. 1 and another "s" for the start
of seg. 2. The usual curvature options "h","H","HH","f" can also be used. As
of now, any of these anywhere in the slur/tie-opening command will apply to
seg. 1, and in the closing command, to seg 2. I could also possibly
interpret one coming after a 2nd "s" in the opening command to apply to seg.
2, any preferences?

Of course, if the slur/tie does not come at a linebreak, the special
position tweaks (after the "s" option) will all be ignored, and the
curvature tweaks on the closing note take precedence (as before).

There's no provision for a user changing the new defaults either permanently
or for an entire score. Maybe later, if there's any demand.


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