Bob Tennent wrote:
I pass on the following from Fabrice Popineau:

Daniel Taupin passed away on August, 26th. He died accidentally while
climbing in the Alps. His memory is remembered on this Web page:
(sorry, in French only)

Daniel has been very active in the TeX world: MusixTeX, Ltx2rtf, TTF
fonts converted to Metafont, etc. He was one of the first GUTenberg
members. Everyone who met him once probably remember this colourful
character, who always had firm stands, sometimes disturbing, but always

Good bye Daniel,

Sad to know that the creator of MusiXTeX is no more.

Daniel kept faithfully improving his powerfull music typesetting tools as well as the numerous scores he made with them, most of them his own compositions or arrangements. Now this stream of gifts to music culture has ceased.

Honour to his mind.

I encourage all of you to upload statements and/or typesettings which I'll add to the Icking Archive.

Best regards
Christian Mondrup, Computer Programmer
Scandiatransplant, Skejby Hospital, University Hospital of Aarhus
Brendstrupgaardsvej, DK 8200 Aarhus N, Denmark
Phone: +45 89 49 53 01 -

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