On Tue, 2003-09-02 at 01:21, Bob Tennent wrote:
> Daniel Taupin passed away on August, 26th. He died accidentally while
> climbing in the Alps.

That's really sad news to all of us using his MusiXTeX package (and
other nice software), although most of us (including me) never met him
personally. As the Debian maintainer of musixtex and related packages I
only can say that even though Daniel and I obviously came from very
different computing environments and we didn't always agree on some
issues, we always found a solution.

> http://www.pyrenees-pireneus.com/taupin.htm
> (sorry, in French only)

I actually suggest translating it to English and adding it to our "hall
of fame" at the Werner Icking Music Archive.

Good bye Daniel!


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