Jean-Pierre Coulon skryf:
> I wish to append some comments in two languages, two columns, at the end
> of a MusiXTeX document.
> I know how to do this in LaTeX (see the attached example), but AFAIK, you
> have to "speak" TeX instead of LaTeX to add significant text to a MusiXTeX
> file.
I have written a style file mtxlatex.sty which allows .tex files
that have been processed by M-Tx -> PMX to be included into a LaTeX
document.  This is part of the M-Tx 0.54 distribution, in the doc/

The principle is that certain TeX commands issued by PMX are redefined
in the style file.  The scripts used in M-Tx 0.52 to strip those
commands are no longer nexessary.  

I found that I needed to increase the memory size of LaTeX, which
is easy in the TeTeX distribution by editing the file web2c/texmf.cnf
without the need to rebuild any format files.  That will probably
be true for other modern distributions too, but I have not checked.

One problem that I have not yet resolved to my satisfaction is the
handling of vertical fill.  In mtxlatex.sty, the PMX \parskip command
is killed, which was the workaround at the time.  There was a lot of
traffic on the list about \parskip at the time, and maybe the current 
PMX will coexist peacefully with LaTeX.  

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