Sorry, I have to tell my OS: WinNT, ServicePack 6. To extend the file with a blank 
line is a brilliant idee, to avoid special processing at the end of the file. I will 
this technique use in the future in my own program. I can give you my pmx code, to 
verify this behaviour.

Regards Karsten

    3    -2  1    2   4   4   4   4  0  0
    2    10   16  .1
%%% 1. Takt
r8 c- r c d4 d     /
e4 d c b           /
c4+ b c8 b1 a g8 e /
%%% 2.-3. Takt
g4 c g2-                  | c4 c g4d c8                   /
c2 b                      | c2 b4d e8                     /
e1 g f g e g f g b8- a a4 | e1+ g f g e1 g f g b8- a a g+ /
%%% 4.-5. Takt
c4d f8 c4 g         | c g c4d d8         /
e8 d1 c b8 a g a b4 | c4 b c8 b1 a g8 fs /
c8 b1 a g8 f e4 d   | r8 e r d c4 r      /
%%% 6.-7. Takt
g2- d                     | g4 g d2+                   /
g1 b a b g b a b f8s d d4 | g1 b a b g b a b f8s d d4  /
rp                        | g1+ b a b g b a b f8s d d4 /
%%% 8.-9. Takt
g4- r c r                         | b r c r                          /
b4 d1 g fs g c4 e1- a g a         | d4 f1s- b a b e4 g1- c a c       /
d1 g ds g d g d g e a g a e a g a | fs b a b f b a b g c b c g c b c /
%%% 10.-11. Takt
c2 d                       | r4 c g4d c8                  /
c4 c b2                    | c b4d e8                     /
e1- g f g e g f g d8 g- g4 | e1+ g f g e g f g d8 g- g g+ /
%%% 12.-14. Takt
c4d f8 c4 g         | c c g2             | a4 f c2+                /
e8 d1 c b8 a g a b4 | e g- b2            | c4 b a8 g f4            /
c8 b1 a g8 f e4 d   | c4+ e g4- g1 e f g | a1 g f e d8 g e d1 e c4 /
%%% 15.-17. Takt
c2 d                     | g8- b d b g2        | c4 c e e     /
Ct e8+ c d e f2s         | (t g2 g8 )t d1 b f4 | d4+ d8 .d c2 /
c1+ b c d e d c b a4d a8 | g1 f g a d c b a g2 | c4 c8 .c g2  /
%%% 18.-20. Takt
%%% PMX, Version 2.4, 29 June 2002, OS WINNT, SP 6
%%% Makes just 17 bars, after inserting a newline at the end of file making 22 bars
g4 g g g | c g c2 | c4 e g c /
rp | rp | rp /
rp | rp | rp /         %%% End of file is here, no empty lines are following

-----Original Message-----
From: Don Simons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Montag, 12. Januar 2004 17:07
To: Typesetting music with TeX
Subject: RE: [Tex-music] Strange PMX behaviour 

Karsten Mekelburg wrote

> PMX doesn't accept systems at the end of a file, not followed by
> at least one empthy line. If you stops a pmx file by a valid line
> (with notes, beams, slurs ...) the last system will be ignored by
> PMX.

In PMX's current state, I cannot reproduce this problem on my system
(Win98). Furthermore, no one else has mentioned it for a very long time.
However, the issue has indeed come up in the distant past, and I attempted a
fix at that time by modifying PMX so that it would internally insert a blank
line in its image of the input file. But for some reason, sometime in the
interim I removed that modification (it must have caused some other problem

I do not plan to address this any further at this time. However, if someone
can provide a clean analysis of exactly what is happening, example files
that reproduce the error, and a specific fix that works in both DOS/WIN and
Linux systems without causing any other problems in either case, I'll
revisit the matter.

Let me suggest another possible cause of the behavior Karsten observed, due
to a flaw in PMX's input checking. If the last input block contains fewer
voices than it should, but if each voice within the last input block is
otherwise OK (meaning syntactically correct and containing the same number
of bars as all the others in that input block), then PMX will silently
ignore all of that input without any error messages.

--Don Simons

If you inserts an empty line after the last valid line, the
> last system will be read. For a pmx beginner, like me, this is
> unexpected and shout be documented in the manual as an
> restriction or as a note.
> >From the developers point of view (I don't understand the
> FORTRAN code, I'am C++ programmer) it may be a bug, during the
> proceessing the End Of File Token. Usually, a developper will be
> used some buffers to read all lines/voices of a system. In my
> code I forgot to flush this buffers on the End Of File Token and
> had nearly the same effect.
> Regards
> --
> Karsten Mekelburg
> Developer
> REALTECH system consulting GmbH
> Industriestraße 39c
> 69190 Walldorf
> Germany
> Fax: +49.6227.837.837
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