On Sun, 18 Apr 2004, Don Simons wrote:

> I haven't absolutely decided what to do about this. First of all, the type 4
> TeX has nothing to do with the problem. If you remove the type 4 section,
> the problem is still there. The problem is caused by including a line in the
> setup section that begins with %%, and then following it with something (a
> comment line) that I did not anticipate. When I coded the part of scor2prt
> that reads in the setup data, I assumed the ONLY use of %% in the setup
> section would be if the following line were going to be a score-only chunk
> of setup data, to be followed by a sequence of part-only setup data (e.g.
> %1...). I realize there's no syntax error here; the syntatically correct
> interpretation would be that the line following %% is a score-only comment.
> But I'm afraid to start hacking away at the coding, because it's pretty
> complicated and some subtlties are lost from my memory bank. If I messed
> with it, I could very easily break something else that would affect many
> more users than the tiny number who choose to use %% in the setup section
> and then follow it with something other than score-only setup data (Luigi is
> the first and only one I'm aware of). So I'm inclined to leave scor2prt
> alone for now, and include a comment in the next release of the manual
> cautioning against this. I might also decide to screen for it in PMX or
> scor2prt and issue a warning if it is found.
> --Don Simons
> > -----Original Message-----
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Luigi
> > Cataldi
> > Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2004 11:18 AM
> > Subject: [TeX-music] scor2prt problem: %% after ---
> >
> >
> > Dear all and expetially dear Don,
> >
> > today I found a strange behavior of scor2prt. I see that if  %% come
> > just at the end of type type four in line tex command (---), when I run
> > scor2prt for the extraction of the parts I have an error. Sometime, like
> > in the sample belove, from my edition of the violin sonata by Zipoli,
> > not that and the following, but that and line after the following are
> > ignored by scor2prt. I know that ther's no reason to put there a comment
> > line and that this solves the problem, but I'm wondering about the
> > correct running of the program.
> >
> > If the problem is unfounded, please excuse me.
> >
> > Luigi Cataldi
> >
> >
> > ====== sample from Zipoli's violin sonata
> > ---
> > \let\:=\relax\input musixtex\:\sepbarrules\input pmx
> > \input musixbar\input curly\input vlfr
> > \def\writebarno{\ifnum\barno>1\lrlap{\tenrm\the\barno\barnoadd}\fi}%
> > \def\shiftbarno{3.5\Interligne}
> > %\def\mymetron#1#2{\smallnotesize\metron{#1}{#2 1}}
> > \def\mymetron#1#2{\smallnotesize\metron{#1}{#2 1}}
> > \font\tit = cmr10 scaled \magstep 5
> > \font\rxii = cmr12
> > \font\data = cmr10
> > \font\nota = cmr8
> > \font\mov = ecbi10 scaled \magstep 1
> > \def\titolo{\tit Sonata per violino e continuo}
> > \def\compA{\rightline{\rxii Domenico Zipoli}}
> > \def\compB{\rightline{\data (1688--1726)}}
> > ---
> > %%%%%%%%%
> > % number of staffs
> > 3
> > % total number of voices
> > 3
> > % logical timesig numerator
> > 4
> > % logical timesig denominator
> > 4
> > % drawn timesig numerator
> > 0
> > % drawn timesig denominator
> > 6
> > % beats in anacrusis bar
> > 0
> > % sharps (+ve) or flats (-ve) in key
> > 2
> > % number of pages, or zero
> > 10
> > % number of systems, or measures per system
> > 40
> > % point size (16 or 20)
> > 20
> > % indentation of first line, as decimal fraction
> > 0.09
> > ==== The rest is in the archive
> > _______________________________________________
> > TeX-music mailing list
> > http://icking-music-archive.org/mailman/listinfo/tex-music
> >
> _______________________________________________
> TeX-music mailing list
> http://icking-music-archive.org/mailman/listinfo/tex-music
Hi Don:
As you know, I had encountered somewhat similar problems with
scor2prt before (comment symbols % further down in a line of code).

In the light of that experience, I strongly encourage your option to
leave this alone, warning of the ambiguity (?) in the documentation

I will include such a comment in the upcoming update of my tutorial.


PS (to all whose Email adresses are mentioned in the tutorial):
   Following a suggestion by Jean-Pierre Coulon, in the updates
   tutorial I will encrypt all these Email adresses in such a way
   that they appear normally in on-screen/printed PDF output, but
   automatic crawlers will not find them. This will help a bit in
   keeping these adresses from becoming prey to spam generators.


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