On Tue, Apr 20, 2004 at 03:15:51PM +0200, Cornelius C. Noack wrote:
> On Tue, 20 Apr 2004, Andre Van Ryckeghem wrote:
> > I mean the 2 parts of the bracket should be more apart.
> > Now the '3' shows as it is cross out.
> Andre, now I understand your question, and it seems to me that
> you have discovered a bug (which I should have noticed already
> when I put the example Fig. B13 in my tutorial!). In fact, when
> you split this example in 2 lines (take the 2nd option for
> "nsystems" in the attached PMX source), giving the brackets more
> room to spread, everything is the way it was intended by Col.
> Sicherman.
> I can't tell you offhand whether this behaviour is due to the
> original Sicherman macro "tuplet.tex" , or to the way that is
> included by PMX via the AT option. Either Sicherman or Don Simons
> should be quicker than me in finding the reason.

I have not looked at it yet.  I mentioned in my headnotes for
tuplet.tex that a minimum separation is needed.  If the notes are
packed too close, the "3" is obscured.

Fot now you may be able to avoid this problem by using the older
triplet macro.  I'll try out your code later and see what's wrong.

                                        --Col. S.

Col. G. L. Sicherman
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