Thank you. I know that the problem for the advanced tex user is very
easy (by the way, there's not a word written about pagenumbers in the
manual, I've checked it).

Hiroaki MORIMOTO wrote:
> Hello.
>>How to prevent page numbers to appear in the score? The command
>>/nopagenumbers doesn't work at all.
> Perhaps the place of \nopagenumbers is too late. (ex: after \endpiece)
> Place \nopagenumbers before \startmuflex.
> Of cource you should check other 3rd party macrosets (if there) 
> about redefining \makeheadline and \makefootline, resetting \headline
> and \footline.

Yes, I use musixsty.tex, as to write author and title, and so on. I
think the problem is with this definition from the file musixsty.tex:

\def\outmorceau{\shipout\vbox{\vbox to
\ifodd\pageno\sl \titremorceau\ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
\ifcopyright\rm$\copyright$\fi\hss \number\pageno
\else\rm\number\pageno\hss\sl \titremorceau\ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 \global\advance\count0 by 1\relax
 \ifnum\outputpenalty>-20000 \else\dosupereject\fi}%

or maybe with this one a few lines further:

\def\outmorceau{\shipout\hbox{\null\ifodd\pageno\kern #1\relax
                                   \else\kern -#1\relax
  \vbox{\vbox to \vsize{\vss\pagecontents\vss}\line{%
\ifodd\pageno\sl \titremorceau\ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
\ifcopyright\rm$\copyright$\fi\hss \number\pageno
\else\rm\number\pageno\hss\sl \titremorceau\ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 \global\advance\count0 by 1\relax
 \ifnum\outputpenalty>-20000 \else\dosupereject\fi}%

I've tried to switch off the numbers and remove pageno from theese
definitions (I've put them to the score of course). Without success.
Sorry for disturbing you with such problems, but I write usually the
title, composer with the musixsty.tex. Should I remove \number or
\pageno? I doesn't have any effect (an error appears).

Best regards,

Anna Choma
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