On Tue, 22 Nov 2005, Anna Choma wrote:

Cornelius C. Noack wrote:
On Tue, 22 Nov 2005, Anna Choma wrote:


How to prevent page numbers to appear in the score? The command
/nopagenumbers doesn't work at all.
How to prevent a page number printing on the first page of a music piece?

Best regards,

Anna Choma

Are we talking about musixTeX, PMX, or something else yet ??

MusixTeX only.

Please be more specific (and RTFM, perhaps).

What does it mean, RTFM?

I am glad that some other people have answered your questions (I
hope: to your satisfaction). I must apologize for being a bit rude
(about the RTFM): I didn't have much time, and just quickly wanted
to solicit the info from you which would make helping you more
efficient (and am glad I was successful with that).

Regarding your more recent comment that ``the problem for the
advanced TeX user is very easy'' : that is precisely what PMX was
invented for: to help people use MusiXTeX who are NOT advanced TeX
users. PMX will help you nicely with your further problems (which
haven't been answered yet, as far as I have seen), i.e. switching
page numbering off and on at your discretion.

I strongly encourage you to take at least a quick look at PMX -- I
am sure it will save much more of your time that you need to take a
glance at it, e.g. via my tutorial


(your particular page numbering questions are dealt with in Sec. B
   5.7.1 , p. 59 f.).

Happy MusiXTeXing!


    Prof.Dr. Cornelius C. Noack          Phones:
    Inst. f. Theor. Physik FB 1       office   : +49 (421) 218-2427
    Universit"at Bremen               secretary: -2422
    Otto-Hahn-Allee                   Fax      : -4869
    D - 28334  Bremen                 home     : +49 (421) 34 22 36
                                                     Fax:  346 7872
    E-mail: noack at itp.uni-bremen.de   or  ccnoack at mailaps.org
    WWW-page: www.itp.uni-bremen.de/~noack

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