Alright, I live with it and change the tex-file afterwards. That isn't a pretty solution, still, it works.
Thanks a lot

Cornelius C. Noack wrote:
On Mon, 3 Apr 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

That's a very good question. It's not a situation I ever considered, and I'm afraid the only approaches I can think of right now would use inline TeX. Maybe some of the list's master TeXnicians/PMXperts can come up with something more clever.

--Don Simons

---- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi there,

I cannot find anything in the pmx documentation about a special triplet
with for example a 2 followed by two 8s . There is written about the D
and F possibilities. But not about the simple case, that there may
follow quicker notes than the biginning one. Is there a way to write
that in pmx or do I have to insert MusiXTeX?

a2x3D g
How do I put two 8s instead of the last 4 g?

Thanks a lot

TeX-music mailing list

TeX-music mailing list

There is nothing to add to Don's commentary, except that you are
not the first to notice this problem with PMX: compare what W.A.M.
has to say about it:
     [ Chapter B.4.6   (p.30) ].

Note that there I said: "<<traditional>> xtuplets"   :-(


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