Christian Mondrup wrote:
kmberry wrote:
I found a few examles in the archive, but they all compiled and rendered without the tablature that was in the example *.ps file. I needed MyMacros and tablmacros2 to compile all examples ,but I don't know where to find them. I have tablmacros and mymacros from one of the archive scores.

Anybody know where I can get a score source that uses lute_tab fonts and renders tablature?

The macros you're requesting are all contained in the zip archive linked to as 'Common TeX source files' in WIMA's Orazio Vecchi web index.
I got the common macros and I needed psfig.sty and found it. Now all the lute tablature has square blobs of ink instead of the number that is supposed to be there. I changed tabdefs.tex so it wouldn't stop processing(fuitar had an ifx w/out else and fi). How can I get the string numbers instead of square blobs? Could it be tabdefs.tex or something else like my installation of lute fonts or psfig related?
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