On Mon, 9 Jul 2007, Christof Biebricher wrote:

> But for a book or even a larger brochure, it would be crazy not to
> use LATeX. No TeXpert has the time to reinvent what hundreds of
> developpers hane done. 

At the risk of ending up off-topic, I'd say the opposite of that is true - a
book takes a long time to develop (by which I mean, 'tex') and tends to need
fine control over exactly how things are presented, because the layout of a
book should not be formulaic. In my experience (limited, in terms of LaTeX,
at least) the effort required to write LaTeX styles and to customise the
finer points of LaTeX typesetting justify writing a TeX format for larger
projects - I find LaTeX useful for one-off smaller documents or when having
to comply with someone else's standard (e.g. for publication).

Bear in mind that the combined TeX format for The TeXbook and The MFbook
(which must certainly rank amongst the most complex books ever TeX'd in
terms of feature coverage!) are based on a 715 line format file. On my
system, latex.ltx is nearly 8000 lines :o)


(who is not a LaTeX-hater but just prefers to hack in TeX...)

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