Sorry, i forgot the backskip
Change '\sk\Toctfin1\  by '\sk\Toctfin1\ bsk\

For the 2nd problem, there you have a point:
\toctfin is not documented in the latest musixtex manual.
 '\ioctfinup' is the same as '\Ioctfunup0'
and '\toctfin' is the same as '\Toctfin0'

here is an example:

1  1  1 4 1 4 0 0
0 1 20  0

\ioctfinup{10}\ e84a  \toctfin\ e  /

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Andre Van Ryckeghem" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Werner Icking Music Archive" <>
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2007 7:58 AM
Subject: Re: [TeX-Music] Error in octaviations, in the PMX manual ?

I don't know if ther came an answer on this problem.

I don't think it is an error in PMX (but rather a feature?)

There can not be a (musix)tex-command as last item in a block,

So 'r2 \Toctfin1\' must be replaced by '\sk\Toctfin1\ r2'

I f there are more staves in a system, then it is possible you need more \sk
(it syncs with the shortest notes)


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jill-Jênn VIE" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2007 5:36 PM
Subject: [TeX-Music] Error in octaviations, in the PMX manual ?


I would like to know why :

d8d5 ad+ r ed+ bd g | ed zg fd za cd- ze cd g4 | r4d a8d gd a8 b |
g8d zb cd ed ze+ bd- zb+ a4- za+ /
\Ioctfinup1t\ e15 f c+ b8d e1- f c+ ( b4dd | b2 ) r2 | e1- f c+ b8d
e1- f c+ ( b4dd | b2 ) r2 \Toctfin1\ /

doesn't work, while :

d8d5 ad+ r ed+ bd g | ed zg fd za cd- ze cd g4 | r4d a8d gd a8 b |
g8d zb cd ed ze+ bd- zb+ a4- za+ /
\Ioctfinup1t\ e15 f c+ b8d e1- f c+ ( b4dd | b2 ) r2 | e1- f c+ b8d
e1- f c+ ( b4dd \Toctfin1\ | b2 ) r2 /


And I'd just like to point out that when you put "\toctfin1" instead
of "\Toctfin1", it doesn't work.

So there is a mistake in the PMX manual (pmxccn.pdf), isn't it ?

Thanks by advance :)


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