On Mon, 9 Jul 2007, Jean-Pierre Coulon wrote:

> Daniel Taupin's last versions of the MusiXTeX documentation
> discouraged making large scores under LaTeX, because of the lack
> of 'registers' - Don's version is in a milder tone.  Yet I
> managed to make a large score under LaTeX with the
> 1995 EMTeX distribution.
> Nothing wrong happened. I use quite a few \def commands. What is
> meant by a 'TeX register'? I've made a "three pass" batch file
> similar to the
> manual's MUSIXTEX.BAT to have musixflx make the right spacings.
> Are these warnings against using LaTeX true, or a myth? The LaTeX
> source of the MusiXTeX manual contains "I hate LaTeX" somewhere.
> My source file is too big for this list (200K).
> Regards,
> Jean-Pierre Coulon                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The warnings against LaTeX were true when Taupin first wrote
MusixTeX; nowadays (2007!) most of them have indeed become a myth.
To be more specific: the limited number of 'registers'
('registers' in this context is simply a name for TeX-specific
memory slots for things like TeX command names etc. -- for details
cf. the TeXbook) are no longer a problem with present TeX
implementations such as 'extended TeX' (which is now the default
for MikTeX, e.g.). There is, however, quite a number of TeX
commands that are redefined in LaTeX, and this can lead to some
incompatibilities. For some more detail on the whole question cf.
my PMX tutorial
     http://icking-music-archive.org/software/pmx/pmxccn.pdf ,
     Ch. C 4: ''PMX and LaTeX'' .

Quite another issue seems to be, IMHO, the "I hate LaTeX" issue.
Hate is a very personal thing, and usually there is nothing you
can do about it. The ideosyncrasies are, to my mind, quite
analogous to those between GUI and mouse tick lovers on the one
side, and aficionados of the command-line way of running computers

Let's try to keep the MusixTeX world free from useless fights of
that kind!


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