Hello everyone,

I formatted my computer before I installed PMX again (with GhostScript and 
Ghostview and so on). PMX works fine, but MusiXTeX doesn't. Explanation :
 1/ pmxab myfile gives a correct result. I can "etex" this file on another 
computer (with MusiXTeX 1.15 too).
 2/ "etex myfile" does not work on my computer. I get following lines :

1/ -------------------------------
D:\Documents\TeX\Temp>pmxab Pirates
 This is PMX, Version 2603 , 11 Dec 10
 Opening Pirates.pmx

 Starting first PMX pass

  Bar 1  Bar 2  Bar 3  Bar 4  Bar 5  Bar 6  Bar 7  Bar 8  Bar 9  Bar 10  Bar 11
  Bar 12  Bar 13  Bar 14  Bar 15  Bar 16  Bar 17  Bar 18  Bar 19  Bar 20
  Bar 21  Bar 22  Bar 23  Bar 24  Bar 25  Bar 26  Bar 27  Bar 28  Bar 29
  Bar 30  Bar 31  Bar 32  Bar 33  Bar 34  Bar 35  Bar 36  Bar 37  Bar 38
  Bar 39  Bar 40  Bar 41  Bar 42  Bar 43  Bar 44  Bar 45  Bar 46  Bar 47
  Bar 48  Bar 49  Bar 50  Bar 51  Bar 52  Bar 53  Bar 54  Bar 55  Bar 56
  Bar 57  Bar 58  Bar 59  Bar 60  Bar 61  Bar 62  Bar 63  Bar 64  Bar 65
  Bar 66  Bar 67  Bar 68  Bar 69  Bar 70  Bar 71  Bar 72  Bar 73  Bar 74
  Bar 75  Bar 76  Bar 77  Bar 78  Bar 79  Bar 80  Bar 81  Bar 82  Bar 83
  Bar 84  Bar 85
 Done with first pass

 Starting second PMX pass

  Bar 1  Bar 2  Bar 3  Bar 4  Bar 5  Bar 6  Bar 7  Bar 8  Bar 9  Bar 10  Bar 11
  Bar 12  Bar 13  Bar 14  Bar 15  Bar 16  Bar 17  Bar 18  Bar 19  Bar 20
  Bar 21  Bar 22  Bar 23  Bar 24  Bar 25  Bar 26  Bar 27  Bar 28  Bar 29
  Bar 30  Bar 31  Bar 32  Bar 33  Bar 34  Bar 35  Bar 36  Bar 37  Bar 38
  Bar 39  Bar 40  Bar 41  Bar 42  Bar 43  Bar 44  Bar 45  Bar 46  Bar 47
  Bar 48  Bar 49  Bar 50  Bar 51  Bar 52  Bar 53  Bar 54  Bar 55  Bar 56
  Bar 57  Bar 58  Bar 59  Bar 60  Bar 61  Bar 62  Bar 63  Bar 64  Bar 65
  Bar 66  Bar 67  Bar 68  Bar 69  Bar 70  Bar 71  Bar 72  Bar 73  Bar 74
  Bar 75  Bar 76  Bar 77  Bar 78  Bar 79  Bar 80  Bar 81  Bar 82  Bar 83
  Bar 84  Bar 85
 Writing ./Pirates.tex
 Done with second PMX pass.

 Writing Pirates.mid
 MIDI instrument  0 is  57
 MIDI instrument  1 is  57
 MIDI instrument  2 is  57
 MIDI instrument  3 is  57
  Bytes used:  1989  2356  2489  1409    21

D:\Documents\TeX\Temp>etex Pirates
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.3-1.40.12 (MiKTeX 2.9)
entering extended mode
MusiXTeX(c) 1.15 <3 April 2011>
Running miktex-makemf.exe...
miktex-makemf: The musix source file could not be found.
Running hbf2gf.exe...

hbf2gf (CJK ver. 4.8.0)

Couldn't find `musix.cfg'
miktex-maketfm: No creation rule for font musix11.
! Font \musiceleven=musix11 not loadable: Metric (TFM) file not found.
<to be read again>
l.735 \font

I don't know which packages I have forgotten. Has anyone an idea ?

Moreover, I checked on the other computer : there is no "musix.cfg" file on the 
hard drive. I get the same lines until "MusiXTeX(c) 1.15 <3 April 2011>", but 
nothing like "Running miktex-makemf.exe..." (I've got "maxinstruments=6" - and 
so on - instead)
I had a look on the line "musix13" too : it is part of musixtex.tex

What was wrong when I installed the files again ?

Thanks in advance,
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