At the Welder Wildlife Foundation headquarters (living quarters, lab and
libraries, admin offices, etc) comprising an area of 5 or so acres they
have a 4-foot high hog-wire perimeter fence with a 12 or 18 inch barrier of
1/2-inch hardware cloth (set into the soil a couple of inches) wired to to
the bottom of the hog-wire around the entire perimeter. The hog-wire keeps
the larger animals out of  the compound and the 1/2-inch mesh keeps the
majority of the rattle snakes out. Desirable snakes and other beasts are
permitted inside the compound.

On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 2:13 PM, wesley s <> wrote:

>  We have deterrents in place like chickens and a cat but they still come
> into our territory. Drawn no doubt by the abundant food and water. We gave
> the last snake a three strikes policy and after being hosed down and chased
> off twice it came back onto our front porch where it was dispatched. I
> would have relocated it were i home at the time but Alia did what she
> could. So far the rest have been more respectful of our boundaries. I say
> live and let live. They keep the mice down for us and that counts for
> something.
> Wes~
>  ------------------------------
> Date: Tue, 22 May 2012 09:05:06 -0700
> From:
> To:;;
> Subject: Re: [Texascavers] FW: Poor little rattlesnakes
>   Rattlesnake conservation is a tough row to hoe, period.
> Not a lot of fondness on the part of the general public for a creature
> that the Book tells us is the definition of evil.
> Andy
> Andrew G. Gluesenkamp, Ph.D.
> 700 Billie Brooks Drive
> Driftwood, Texas 78619
> (512) 799-1095
> --- On *Tue, 5/22/12, Fritz Holt <>* wrote:
> From: Fritz Holt <>
> Subject: [Texascavers] FW: Poor little rattlesnakes
> To: "Off-Topic Texas Cavers" <>, "TexasCavers" <
>>, "'Mandy Holt'" <>,
> "'Jenny Holt'" <>, "''" <
>>, "'Steve Ashmore'" <>, "'Sam
> Ashmore'" <>, "Sally Dearing" <
>>, "'Guy Heath'" <>,
> "'June Levy'" <>, "'Janice Vieira'" <>,
> "'Jim Sherwin'" <>, "'James E. Wagner'" <
>>, "'Karen Ashmore'" <>,
> "'Debra Batts'" <>, "''" <
> Date: Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 10:44 AM
>   I don’t share my good friend’s feelings about rattlesnakes as I like
> and am amazed by all snakes and reptiles in general. Being a city dude I
> took every opportunity to have outdoor adventures and to take my family
> camping. My daughters and I still enjoy it to this day. We still remove
> turtles to the relative safety of our highway rights of way. Too many
> uninformed individuals condemn all snakes due to the lack of public
> education such as that afforded by BCI for bats. If harmful snakes invade
> your immediate territory remove them to a distant similar habitat. I
> consider myself an environmentalist but not so extreme as to place all
> creatures needs above that of man. There is always a way to satisfy both
> goals. While I like to see rattlesnakes protected, they should not be
> placed on the endangered species list unless there is solid evidence that
> they are in danger of becoming extinct. There is already too much
> government intervention in our daily lives. I have never been in favor of
> the Sweetwater Rattlesnake Roundup and other such events even if it did put
> them on the map for tourists. This is money the town could do without. VIVA
> Fritz
>  ------------------------------
> Well, I WILL admit that any rattlesnake who ventures onto MY yard IS
> endangered!  We have an understanding.  THEY stay in the wild and do NOT
> come in MY territory and I will leave them alone.  Otherwise, they will go
> to the great snake heaven in the sky.
> Jackie
> Feds Considering Adding Rattlesnakes to ‘Endangered Species List’ to Deny
> Land 
> Rights<>
>  Environmental groups have convinced the federal government to propose
> listing the poisonous eastern diamondback rattlesnake as an endangered
> species in order to protect the reptile from “human persecution.”
> “Survival of these snakes in large part depends on whether people continue
> to persecute them or instead choose to allow these amazing creatures to
> share the land with us,” Bill Matturro, spokesman for Protect All Living
> Species, said in welcoming the government’s decision, announced earlier
> this month. “In the Southeast, we are blessed with a rich natural heritage
> of animals and plants. All of these species—even the rattlesnakes—should be
> allowed to exist.”
> The Fish and Wildlife Service says they are taking comments on listing the
> snake because environmental groups presented “substantial scientific or
> commercial information indicating that listing the eastern diamondback
> rattlesnake may be warranted.”

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